Sunday, January 28, 2007
Dream of Bucharest
“Dream of a city where cars can fly; where cars are more important than anything else... Cars are on the street, on the pavements, in the gardens, everywhere. A million cars is a sign of prosperity… life is not so bad. Dream of Bucharest.”
Dream of Bucharest is a site specific installation for the Hirschgang at the Solitude Akademie. 12 car sculptures are placed along the hallway obliging the visitor to zig zag around them in order to find their way to the end of the room. As you enter the corridor you will find yoursef in a dreamy, UFO witness like situation face to face with all the white cars. A little noise at the end of the room is inviting everyone to explore further. As you walk more into the room, you will discover, drawings, photographs and videos on the back of the cars, all different expressions of Nancă’s Dream of Bucharest.
Inspired by the situation in Bucharest with an ever growing number of cars, but also by the shape of Dacia 1300, the Romanian national car, Nancă has recently been drawing a childlike car contours all over the city of Bucharest. Nancă has used the graffiti technique (which some might find violent and destructive) as an attempt to raise attention to the unhealthy situation of the great number of automobiles as well as criticizing the growing consumerist attitude in his home town. His street car drawings are now developed into a more complex installation – the 12 car sculptures immitate the everday scenario in Bucharest with blocked pavements making pedestrian traffic difficult. Though “Dream of Bucharest” is not the story of a nightmare but an artist’s gaze at the state of afairs.The drawings, photographs and the videos waiting to be discovered on the back of the cars are all inspired by the condition in Bucharest but also in other cities and situations.
If you want to visit the exhibition here is the program.
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Mr. Nanca, pana cand expuneti in Stuttgart?
am re editat si am adaugat un link catre programul de vizitare.
Am vrut sa intreb de ce sunt 12 sculpturi? Adica are vreo importanta, sau doar atatea au incaput? Si pentru ca in poze nu se aude that noise at the end of the room which "is inviting everyone to explore further", ce noise e ala? Oricum si pozele exprima senzatia de claustrofobie, de sufocare.
Nr 12 are legatura mai degraba cu spatiul de-acolo. Zgomotul de la capat e sunetul filmului cu mine desenand masini mai exact sunetul traficului de pe autostrada.
tot timpul asta cand am vazut masinile desenate de tine in bucuresti, sibiu, pe partia din predeal :p sau in alte locuri, trebuie sa recunosc ca nu am inteles directia in care vrei sa mergi cu proiectul asta. acum, vazand rezultatul final, am inteles perfect si imi place foarte mult. bravo :)
pacat ca nu pot vedea instalatia pe viu.
La un moment dat am vazut in spatele ..... un contur virtual al daciei facut cu numere.
Am vrut sa-l completez da' am zis sa o faca altul... sa nu ii anulez altcuiva bucuria de a-l vedea.
Voi mai trece pe acolo sa vad daca il va vedea...Cred ca am sa incep eu primul segment pentru a vedea cine raspunde cu urmatorul :)...
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