The Original Adidas made it on this huge billboard in Bratislava thanks to Billboart and Mira Keratova. Also proud to be next to the work of Miroslav Nicic, Mladen Penev, Borjana Ventzislavova (bg-yu-a).
dovolujeme si vam oznamit otvorenie dalsej vystavy
slovak sublabel programu billboart gallery europe
/ it is our pleasure to announce you the opening of further exhibition
of slovak sublabel program billboart gallery europe
od 29. novembra 2005 do 23. februara 2006
/ from 29th november untill 23rd february 2006
na fasade novootvorenej budovy selfstorage na kopcianskej ulici v bratislave - petrzalke (sk)
/ on the fasade of the selfstorage building at kopcianska st. in bratislava - petrzalka (sk)
vystavujuci umelci / exhibiting artists
- vlad nanca (ro), miroslav nicic, mladen penev, borjana ventzislavova (bg-yu-a)
kuratorsky vyber / curatororial selection
- mira keratova